Human Services

Degrees and Certificates


HSV111W: Introduction to Human Services

Introduction to Human Services provides students with the background material and concepts necessary to understand the theory and practice of services for people with a variety of challenges. The course draws information from the disciplines of history, sociology, and psychology and combines this information with values-based themes of social-role valorization, ethical behavior, moral philosophy, and work in human services.

HSV114W: Case Management

Case Management reviews the process for designing and implementing systems of support for human-service consumers. Students discuss and present current and evolving models for assessment and planning, as well as issues related to case management and crisis intervention.

HSV116W: Social and Political Issues in Human Services

In Social and Political Issues in Human Services, students study and present information on topics related to social and political trends. Students learn about forces that profoundly influence service recipients and service systems.

HSV117W: Crisis Intervention

Crisis Intervention presents information pertaining to the characteristics of crisis and crisis intervention. Students study various crisis-intervention models and learn basic intervention skills. The course covers hostage negotiations, disaster response, and crisis in homes, schools, hospitals, and the workplace.

HSV125W: Trauma Counseling and Self-Care

Trauma Counseling and Self-Care teaches students about various forms of trauma, about the way symptoms can manifest themselves following a traumatic event, and about the manner in which one can best support a person experiencing trauma. The course reviews PTSD and Adjustment Disorder, offering recommended treatments for these disorders, along with instruction on good practice for those working with people with these disorders. The course also reviews proper self-care and teaches various coping skills that counselors use to manage stressors both in themselves and in their patients. Additionally, the course reviews Vicarious Trauma, Secondary Trauma, and Compassion Fatigue, offering ways to manage these types of traumas for one's emotional wellbeing.

HSV212W: Supportive Communication Skills

In Supportive Communication Skills, students gain awareness of interactional communication skills expected in a supportive relationship and learn about the general practice of these skills. Through verbal instructions, role playing, class discussions, case studies, and peer and self-assessment, students become familiar with the principles and values of supportive communication.

HSV214W: Issues of Children and Families

Issues of Children and Families covers material related to services provided for children, youth, and their families. Topics include normal development, family issues, family-systems theory, child abuse and neglect, family treatment issues, and service delivery systems.

HSV216W: Internship in Human Services I

Internship in Human Services I offers an in-depth work experience enabling students to apply what they have learn in their coursework by working with a specific client population. Learning objectives and specific activities are individualized according to the needs of each student. A minimum of 135 hours is required.

HSV217W: Chemical Dependence

Chemical Dependence introduces concepts relevant to the diagnosis and treatment of chemical dependency. Discussion focuses on the disease concept of chemical dependence, the effect of substance-abuse problems on the family, and issues related to special populations, such as adolescents, the elderly, and individuals with a dual diagnosis.

HSV223W: Introduction to Counseling

Introduction to Counseling introduces the theory and practice of counseling and the counseling profession. Students explore the foundations of counseling, the counseling process, and theories and techniques used therein. Through lectures, class activities, and role play, students become familiar with career, school, group, individual, family, and substance-abuse counseling. The course also addresses the legal and ethical issues involved.

HSV235W: Fundamentals of Neuroscience and Wellness

Fundamentals of Neuroscience and Wellness explores the relationship between human brains and human behavior. Students learn how brain disorders, mental illnesses, and abuse/misuse issues affect information processing in the brain. The course also examines counseling techniques and other available supportive services.