Driver Education Instructor

Degrees and Certificates


DEDI101W : Introduction to Traffic Safety

Introduction to Traffic Safety covers elements that constitute safe driving and provides an overview of the highway transportation system. Intended for driver-education instructors and for those responsible for motor-fleet safety, this course emphasizes human performance, traffic engineering, and related research. Because of the extensive amount of course content, students can expect many out-of-class assignments.

DEDI103W : Driver Education Classroom Methods

Driver Education Classroom Methods provides professional preparation for students to meet the traffic and safety needs of schools and communities. The course focuses on methods of driver education classroom teaching. It covers state and national standards and practices for teaching driver and traffic-safety education. Students can expect many out-of-class assignments.

DEDI105W : In-Vehicle Driver Education Methods

In-Vehicle Driver Education Methods familiarizes students with methods, materials, and techniques for delivering a sequential in-vehicle phase of a driver education program to novice drivers.

DEDI109W : Alcohol, Drugs, and Driving

Alcohol, Drugs, and Driving studies the signs and symptoms of chemical dependency, alcoholism, and drug addiction. It examines the effects of chemical dependency on the body, family, and driving skills. The course covers the pharmacology of alcohol and mind-altering drugs, as well as treatment, treatment resources, and prevention.

DEDI111W : Zone Control

Zone Control meets credit requirements for NH Standard Certification. Participants are informed about and equipped with the tools to use the Zone Control system effectively for their own driving, to translate that knowledge to teaching their students, and to discover how the Zone Control system is integrated throughout the NH Driver Education Risk Prevention curriculum.

EDU132W : Learning and Teaching Styles in DEI

Learning and Teaching Styles in DEI introduces students to learning-style and teaching-style characteristics, instructional/teaching style preferences, and basic techniques for implementing style-differentiated instructional strategies.

EDU134W : Special Education in the School in DEI

Special Education in the School in DEI provides students with the knowledge and skills to develop, evaluate, and modify curriculum and instructional techniques in a main-streamed classroom. It also gives them the skills to participate in developing written individual educational plans.