For tuition purposes, a student’s permanent home of record determines residency. Normally, a student’s residency is the location (town/city, state) from which the student enrolls for college. The determining factor is the official address listed on federal tax returns.
Members of the Armed Forces of the United States stationed in New Hampshire under military orders or stationed in a contiguous state but temporarily living in New Hampshire shall be entitled to residency classification for themselves, their spouse, and their dependent children for in-state tuition purposes, as long as said orders remain in effect and residence in New Hampshire is continued.
First priority for admission shall be given to residents of New Hampshire. Second priority shall be given to students qualifying under the NERSP. Third priority shall be given to students not qualifying under NERSP to those not domiciled in the state. In highly competitive programs with limited enrollment, the Admissions Office, working as much as possible within the above parameters, may exercise discretion in admitting those applicants who best fit the needs and expectations of the department, the College, and the local community.