Academic Standing

Students must show orderly progress toward their degrees and an aptitude for success in their programs and courses.

Each semester the Academic Affairs Office and the Registrar review the academic performance of matriculated students whose (1) cumulative GPA is below 2.0, (2) semester GPA is below 1.0, or (3) semester grades include Incompletes and/or F’s. This review may result in a status of Warning or Probation and in some cases Suspension. Students falling into any of the above categories should meet with their academic advisor.

Academic Probation or Suspension
Failure to meet satisfactory progress results in either Academic Probation or Academic Suspension. Calculation of the cumulative GPA is based on all courses taken at the institution. Students with a GPA lower than 2.0 for one semester are placed on Academic Probation. Students with a GPA lower than 2.0 for three consecutive semesters are placed on Academic Suspension.

  • Academic Probation: warning that indicates the student is not on track to graduate because of poor academic performance
  • Academic Suspension: hold on student taking further courses in a program. A student may continue to take courses outside of the program as a non-matriculated student

A student may appeal Academic Suspension through a process individually defined by each college within CCSNH.

Appeal of Academic Standing Decisions

Students may appeal in writing all decisions regarding their academic standing to the Academic Standing Committee. In the letter, the student must clearly define the basis for the appeal within seven college days following the date of the VPAA’s letter to the student.

hearing with the Academic Standing Committee occurs as soon as possible after receipt of the appeal letter. The student may have a representative at the meeting. Thus, the student should meet with the College Counselor or the student’s academic advisor for assistance in presenting a case.

If the student is not satisfied with the results of the appeal, the student has the option to appeal directly to the President of the College within five days of the outcome of the appeal. The appeal to the President must be in writing and must clearly define the basis for appealing the Academic Standing Committee’s decision.

Each student must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 to graduate.